
Tendonitis and Bursitis

What is Tendonitis?

The ending of the word “itis” is defined as inflammation. Therefore, tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, which connects muscles to bones.

Types of tendonitis

In the knee, the tendon that connects your quadriceps muscle to the tibia bone (patella tendon) can become inflamed. This thick tendon runs over the top of your kneecap and attaches to the tibia bone below. This patella tendon can often become inflamed due to abnormal joint movements, poor posture and weakness of the surrounding musculature. This causes strain to the tendon with resulting pain during repetitive movement and especially with squatting or kneeling down. Other areas of tendonitis in the knee can occur such as the back, outside or inside of the knee.

In the shoulder, common areas for tendonitis are in the rotator cuff tendons (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis) and bicep tendons. Pain can be felt deep in the shoulder or in the front of the shoulder. Pain is usually felt as a sharp, catching sensation with certain movements.

How physical therapy helps

Physical therapy is the first line in conservative treatment for tendonitis. Most tendonitis is due to underlying abnormal mechanics of movement, walking and weakness. Our trained Staten Island, NY physical therapists are experts in evaluating your movement to pinpoint the source of the trouble. Modalities may be used to alleviate pain and discomfort, while hands-on therapy improves joint mechanics and movement.

Finally, gentle strengthening exercises and joint coordination exercises help to restore stability to the affected area and prevent re-occurrence of symptoms. To discover how we can help your tendonitis, request an appointment at Grasmere Physical Therapy today!

Are You Living with Bursitis? Physical Therapy Can Help You Find Relief

Joint pain such as bursitis is a commonly experienced type of pain across the globe. In fact, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, knee pain is a common condition resulting in 19.4 million pain-related visits to a physician’s office each year! Bursitis can develop in any joint and can make it difficult to move the affected area.

Bursitis is a common injury, especially among athletes. It is generally a result of overtraining and can be prevented by pacing yourself. However, even if you are not an athlete, it is still possible to develop bursitis through overuse.

The bursae act as cushions in the joints by reducing friction and allowing your muscles and tendons to glide smoothly over bone. Bursitis occurs when the bursae become inflamed, making the pathway for movement much more difficult. This can result in pain, stiffness, and swelling.

If you have been noticing pain or inflammation in one of your joints, it could be a sign of bursitis. Fortunately, through natural and holistic treatments, our Staten Island, NY physical therapists can treat your bursitis without the same risks as pain management drugs or invasive surgeries. Contact Grasmere Physical Therapy today to learn more!


Why am I experiencing bursitis?

The joints are made up of a very complex network of moving parts. One of the main components that make up any joint is the bursae, as previously mentioned.

The bursae contains small fluid filled sacs that work to keep the joint lubricated. If the bursae becomes inflamed or irritated in any way, you could develop bursitis.

This is brought on by overuse or repetitive injuries, similar to many other conditions. Bursitis can occur in a variety of locations in the body including the elbows, shoulders, knees, and hips.

At our Staten Island, NY physical therapy clinic, we will analyze your condition, find the cause of your pain, and develop a detailed, specialized treatment plan for your individual needs. Physical therapy reduces pain with bursitis and helps with speedy recovery timelines.

Ready to get started?

If you think you may be living with bursitis, don’t push through the pain any longer. Contact Grasmere Physical Therapy today to get started on the path toward relief!.